Fear and Judgement
Hello my wonderful people!
I am 6ft tall and I have tall girl energy.
But I have not always embraced my height….
You see, when I was younger, I was judged negatively for being a “tall girl.”
Jolly Green Giant was the most frequent of the taunts thrown my way.
So, I found myself trying to hunch and minimize my height.
Later I came to appreciate my height. In fact, my husband is 6’3” and LOVES that I am tall.
We have been talking of late about judgements we make on ourselves.
Imposter Syndrome….
Some of the many ways we can unduly judge ourselves….
Today though, I want to pivot to discuss and think about how our brain reacts to the judgement of others and what we can do about it.
Because we are social creatures, we seek out relationships with others.
Even if we are introverted, we have an innate longing to belong and be accepted.
In seeking that connection, we end up making ourselves vulnerable to being rejected and potentially judged by others.
As I have reflected on this topic, I have been recalled and reflected on certain times I have been unjustly judged by others.
A random stranger on a plane commenting about my newborn daughter.
A therapy client saying I couldn’t possibly help them because I wasn’t in their exact situation.
A Religious Leader at Church openly mocking and gossiping about me while I stood only a few feet away listening unbeknownst to her…
These moments of wrongful critique had the potential to hurt and fester in my brain…
Thankfully, I had some tools that allowed me to let them go for the false examinations they were.
Let’s discuss those tools together so that you never have to be weighed down by the bias of others.
Come with me and examine:
· How and why our brains react to the judgement of others
· Recognizing whose judgement we should value
· How to keep our perspective when faced with prejudiced judgement
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