Emotional Resilience for your Family - interview with Darlynn Childress
Once again, I am honored to have a special guest with me today!
Darlynn Childress is the Calm Mama Coach specializing in helping mom’s raise emotionally healthy kids without going crazy.
Now I know what you are thinking…
This is a podcast about our brain…
What does that have to do with parenting?
Well how we react to our children is very much a function of deep, sometimes instinctual processes in the brain.
And how our children act and react to us as adults is likewise a function of their growing brain.
Did you know your brain can identify your children as a hazard? As a danger to you even?
When your children are screaming or crying, have you ever found yourself tensing before you force yourself to relax and then try and see to the child’s need?
This is a normal process. It doesn’t mean you are a bad parent.
It means your brains instinctual defense mechanisms put you into a flight or fight mode at the sound of a screaming child.
Your brain spiked your adrenaline, tensed your muscles and heightened your sense to protect you from a perceived threat.
In that moment, you are in what’s called an “Activated Stress Response.”
Did you know that you cannot offer a compassionate space to your children when you are in an activated stress response?
There is so much to learn on this week’s episode. I can’t wait for you to listen.
Today Darlynn and I discuss:
· How can our children trigger our brain’s without meaning to?
· The science of meltdowns and how they impact the brains of both child and parent?
· Think-Feel-Do. What does it mean and how does it help us understand and parent our children better?
Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed today’s episode:
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· Want to unlock more of your brain’s superpowers? Get my free workbook HERE
Ready to be your best self? Schedule a free consult call with me today HERE.