Breaking Down Expectations
Last week we discussed how to react when our goals don’t quite go according to plan. In that discussion we touched briefly on this week’s topic- learning how to change expectations.
Now I know what you are thinking….
“But Julie I don’t want to settle! I don’t want to surrender my dreams!!”
I hear you.
And I promise, I am not teaching you to settle.
I know what it’s like. You see, I have settled in the past. I played small because that’s what I was taught…
I was taught to play small in my business. I was taught to play small in my personal life.
Playing small was my expectation…
And it nearly broke me….
You see…deep down I did not want to play small.
I wanted my personal relationships to be so much more than they were.
And I wanted my business to do so much more for my family.
So I learned how our brain regulates and creates these expectations.
Like so many things in our brain, it’s built around our safety triggers. So, I realized I could hack my brain over time to stop playing small and set big expectations for myself.
I can’t wait to share this with you on today’s episode.
Today we explore:
· Delving into the way we create our short- and long-term expectations about ourselves
· Working through the simple steps we can take to create new expectations
· The importance of flexibility and self-examination when working to create new expectations
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