Creating Connection to Your Goals

Welcome back to week 3 of my Goal Setting & Keeping Series!

Did you know that having negative experiences in the past with goal setting can sabotage your future goal setting and keeping? Your thoughts and feelings about goals have a massive impact on how successful they will be.

As I have had to set goals for my business over the years, I realized that I had to confront some bad thoughts from the past.

You see, early in my career, I spent a great deal of time working and volunteering with a very large bureaucratic organization and we set A LOT of goals.

And because we spend so much time focused on goals, numbers and metrics- I grew to really resent and hate them because of how impersonal they felt.

You have to remember- I am a Therapist and Social Worker. I care about the people. In everything I do, I am trying to create a human connection.

Then I figured it out. I figured out how to modify the normal goal setting systems to focus more on connection.

Connection between me and those I am trying to help. Connection between the goal and my feelings about the goal.

This has led to amazing breakthrough growth in my life and my business and I am so excited to share it with you.

Today we explore:

·         Reviewing our feelings and experiences on goal setting

·         Flipping the narrative of goal setting to focus on the human connection to make your goals matter to you instead of just being another checklist item

·         Training your brain how to create the big impact goals that are fun and authentic to yourself

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Ready to be your best self? Schedule a free consult call with me today HERE.

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When Goals and Plans Go Awry


Validating Your Goals