Business Strategy

Last week we discussed the idea of a fixed vs growth mindset and how our brains cultivate either path in our mindset.

We learned that we can literally train our brain to grow stronger in the mindset that we can choose to accomplish more in our lives and in our business. 

This week, we take that foundation and look at how our brain impacts the strategy we take in our business.

There are many gurus out there who will tell you some version of “You just need the right mindset to have a successful business…”

Or my other favorite, “I can show you the ONE TRICK you need in your business…”

Here’s my hot take on this subject…

The gurus telling you they have the one special trick are wrong…

And the gurus telling you to “just get the right mindset and your business will work” are wrong as well.

The truth is you need to be in YOUR right mindset.

And the truth is you need to have the right strategy for YOUR business.

That’s the truth.

No two businesses are exactly alike.

Someone else’s strategy might have some elements you can replicate and learn from.

And someone else’s experiences with their mindset might have some lessons you can draw upon.

But at the end of the day, you need the right mindset for YOU and the right strategy for YOUR business.

And that friends, is something I am an expert at helping people discover about themselves and their business. 

I have done this in numerous unrelated industries with people in positions from part-time solopreneur all the way up to CFOs for billion-dollar corporations.

So come join me today as we talk about some of the basics of finding your business strategy.

This episode we explore:

  • Reviewing how our mindset trains our brains to grow

  • The dangers of following too many other “expert voices” rather than developing a strategy unique to your business

  • Managing the 4 roles you need to implement effective strategy in your business whether big or small.

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Your Business Growth Mindset