Your Business Growth Mindset
“If you believe you can, you can. If you believe you can’t, you can’t”
How many times have we heard this or something very similar to this sentiment?
It’s a simple statement and because of that simplicity, it can be easy to dismiss.
This phrase speaks to the power of a fixed vs growth mindset.
Much is made about having the right mindset in our personal lives and in our relationships.
Rightfully so. How we think about ourselves and experiences is pivotal in living the life we want.
Remember that word “Neuroplasticity” we learned about A LONG time ago in Episode 12?
Our brains grow and magnify the set of beliefs we internalize about the world and ourselves.
If we believe we are clumsy, then we will often find ourselves being clumsy and magnify those thoughts.
We then shun activities where we perceive our clumsiness will keep us from excelling and it suddenly becomes a self-fulfilled fact.
Our clumsiness becomes a fixed mindset and it has the potential to permanently shift how we live our lives to avoid situations where we have already decided we will fail.
But this same mental process that can create a fixed mindset can be used to create a growth mindset.
We can magnify moments of competence. We then find ourselves eagerly solving problems in our business as our confidence fuels our competence.
When we don’t immediately have the answer for a business need, instead of letting it stop us, we let it empower us.
We seek out the experts we want to be like and emulate them.
The more we realize that any problem we encounter has a solution, the greater our brain will find the path to that solution.
This is the growth mindset and it is key to business success.
I have gone through this journey of fixed and growth mindsets in my own business.
I know how easy it can be to get side tracked or seemingly stuck with pitfalls.
But that’s why I am here. You never have to try and navigate this on your own.
This month we are focusing on building the right business mindset for permanent success.
Today’s episode we explore:
Reviewing how our brain creates a mindset and why
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset
How we can start to shape our thoughts to fuel greater productivity in our business.
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