Don’t Sabotage Your Goals
I hope you had a wonderful New Years Day my friends! I also hope you took the time to follow last week’s advice and took a moment to love yourself as you are right now.
Now that we are in a positive place of love and acceptance of ourselves, we are setting goals and having thoughts about what we would like to accomplish in our 2023.
Now you might think that our brain is naturally inclined to help us make and keep goals. After all, we aren’t setting goals to make our lives worse so OF COURSE our brain is going to go right along with our plans.
Except it doesn’t always work like that does it?
When I was starting my business, I set some goals for what I wanted it to do for me and my family. And almost IMMEDIATELY my brain started to magnify the internal and external doubts and throw up obstacles to going after my goals.
That doesn’t seem right. Our brain wants us to become better people, right?
If you feel like you have ever encountered your brain or your thoughts trying to sabotage your annual journey of self-betterment, then this episode is for you.
Today we explore:
· Understanding how and why our brain reacts to new goals and new growth in our lives.
· Recognizing which hurdles the brain magnifies and what to do about them.
· The lessons I learned while overcoming my own obstacles and beliefs as I started and grew my business
Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed today’s episode:
· Please leave a review HERE- it sincerely helps other people find good podcasts.
· Want to unlock more of your brain’s superpowers? Get my free workbook HERE.
Ready to be your best self? Schedule a free consult call with me today HERE.