Celebrate your Life!

“I got 104 on my science final!” my daughter texted to me with glee. I love that my daughter celebrates all the things.

Our brains spend so much time keeping us safe and anticipating survival processes. Those are vital and important.

Equally important in both our personal lives but also in our business and career life is to celebrate the good moments.

I recently started looking at my 2023 goals and in the process of doing so, I reflected back on all the amazing accomplishments and growth of 2022.

It’s a key process in our brain to celebrate and recognize the positivity of what we accomplish.

This week we explore:

·         What are the little things I celebrate in my life?

·         What does positive thinking / celebration do for our brain?

·         How to make celebration a regular exercise.

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed today’s episode:

·         Please leave a review HERE- it sincerely helps other people find good podcasts.

·         Want to unlock more of your brain’s superpowers? Get my free workbook HERE.

Ready to be your best self? Schedule a free consult call with me today HERE.

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A Moment to Love Yourself


The Abundant Mind