The Abundant Mind
We talked last week about the concept of Scarcity. I want to pivot to think about the opposite of that word.
I am talking about Abundance. The “Growth” mindset as some call it. The thought that there IS enough for all of us.
I can 100% own that this mindset can feel more elusive than the far easier but potentially destructive scarcity mindset.
The abundance mindset is more than just believing there is enough but its also viewing the world through that positive, inclusive, lens of learning and growth.
When something goes right, when my business is doing well and when I am healthy, my abundant mind approaches those positive developments in life with gratitude and enjoyment.
When things are less than stellar, when a major repair comes out of nowhere or an injury pops up, my abundant mind looks as these not as moments of failure or lack but as opportunities to grow and do better.
If you too sometimes succumb to the feelings of scarcity but wish to live in the light of the abundant mindset then come with me friends because this week’s episode is for you.
Today we explore:
· Recognizing the types of thoughts that we can shift from lack to abundance
· How the abundant mindset is also the mindset of your authentic self
· Goal setting with an abundant mindset
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