Understanding Privilege with Alyssa Hall
Last week’s conversation with Alyssa Hall was so powerful I knew I wanted it to continue.
This time around, we are going to dive into another oft misunderstood topic that is very prevalent in the media.
And that word is Privilege.
Privilege is a word that get’s thrown around frequently and generates a lot of intense emotions.
With Alyssa’s help, we are going to de-construct some of those thoughts and hopefully help you to better understand what it is and what it isn’t.
We jump into a number of important questions to really further your awareness and comprehension of things like…
Why acknowledging your privilege is not an insult or saying your life hasn’t had challenges.
Seeing privilege as an opportunity to include others rather than divide us.
Understanding types of privilege that we may not know exist.
Reviewing some real-life examples where small but impactful moments of privilege have come into play in the lives of Alyssa and Julie.
Learning how we can help society move forward on this issue in ways that are non-confrontational and comfortable.
Once again, I am grateful to my friend Alyssa Hall for joining me for another impactful conversation.
It’s another longer session and I invite you to reflect and introspect.
If you need to break it up into smaller listens, I totally understand.
As I always say, Give Yourself Grace and Know Your Limits.