What the Hell is my Brain Doing?
Julie Lamb, licensed therapist and life coach has helped thousands of people take control of their mindset and careers by helping them understand their most powerful strategic asset, their brain.
Join her as she takes you on a path of personal growth and understanding of the who, what and whys of your thoughts and behaviors. Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why in the world did I do that?” If yes, this is the podcast for you!
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Am I an introvert, extrovert or something in between?
As so many things in brain and social science, there is a lot more nuance than a simple binary concept can convey.
For example, did you know that most people have a behavior flip in certain social situations?
The extrovert might withdraw unexpectedly from a social situation one would assume they would thrive in.
The introvert suddenly can become the life of the party when they are surrounded by close friends or the conversation turns to a topic that they feel extremely confident in.
And on today’s episode I will also be discussing the relatively new term in the field known as the “Ambivert.”
Today we will talk about:
• The unspoken messages and preferences our culture communicates about Introverts vs Extroverts
• Understanding what the terms actually mean as opposed to what we have been socialized to think they mean
• What is an Ambivert