Help! I’m Overthinking.
When you read and think of that word, what comes to mind?
For me Overthinking feels like walking into a store that is completely unorganized.
The aisles are unorganized and the items are all over the place.
How can you possibly find anything and effectively get what you need from such a store?
You won’t? At best you might randomly stumble across one or two of the items you need on your list before angrily leaving the store and looking elsewhere
A brain that suffers from overthinking can yield similar results.
Our thoughts become totally jumbled under an ever-growing maze of runaway thoughts.
Soon we are frustrated that we have expended great mental energy and yet yielded very little in the way of effective results.
This has shown up in my clients in many ways.
Maybe it’s overthinking so much you are unable to relax.
You find yourself sitting at the beach and still mentally “sitting at the office.”
Or you are trying to organize a project and constantly thinking of all the things that can go wrong rather than formulating the plan for how it can go right.
When it manifests, often our brain can freeze and be unable to make a decision.
Or it might chronically procrastinate making the choice because of the rampant overthinking.
There are so many ways that it can manifest.
If you feel you are suffering from this or that you have this tendency, first I just want to say that I am here for you.
We will dive into this topic today and I will share a few high-level strategies that I have employed with myself and used to help my clients use to confront this runaway overthinking.
Today we cover:
· How overthinking frequently manifests in our lives.
· The brain’s role in these chronic runaway thoughts.
· Several strategies my clients have used to confront and control this overthinking tendency.
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